What does Premium, Anti-Premium, & Semi-Premium etc. mean?

A premium domain name is a domain name composed exclusively of letters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,P,R,S,T. These letters are referred to as “premium letters”.

25. Sep 2023
What does Premium, Anti-Premium, & Semi-Premium etc. mean?

CVCV = An LLLL.com that follows a Consonant, Vowel, Consonant, Vowel Pattern.
VCVC = An LLLL.com that follows a Vowel, Consonant, Vowel, Consonant Pattern.
Triple Letter = 3 of the same letter in the same LLLL.com. An example of this is my domain: LLLX.com.
Quad premium = 4 Premium Letters. Basically, 4 letters of which none consist of J,K,Q,U,V,W,X,Y,Z.
Triple premium = 3 Premium Letters.
Semi-Premium = When used in an LLLL.com context, generally used to denote an LLLL.com with 3 premium letters and one lesser quality letter (J,K,U,V,W,Y). Also used to denote a single letter which is of lesser quality (J,K,U,V,W,Y).
Double Premium = 2 Premium Letters.
Anti-Premium (also called Non-Premium) = 1 or less Premium Letters. Sometimes used to denote excessively bad combinations.

ZAZU Design brings to the table a bottomless toolbox of ideas, concepts, and solutions to tackle a variety of domain names & design challenges.
Design & Brand Management